Khoury Clara




Parashat Hashavowa (2005-6), Role :Manar, TV Drama 12 series, Directed by Rany Blair
Maktob (2003) Role: Mahaת TV Dramaת Directed by Avi Mosel
Zap/ Sahtain, Israeli Channel One (2000-2001)
Weekly Arab and Jewish youth TV show
The Police Man (1998) Role: Leila, TV Drama, Directed by Ram Levi


Love life , Israel/Germany
Role: Shira (2005)
.Feature film directed by Maria Shrieder
Forgiveness ,Israel/USA
Role : Laila (2005)
. Feature film directed by Udi Aloni
The Syrian Bride/Hacala Hasurit, Israel/Germany/France
Role: Muna the Bride (2004)
?Feature film directed by Eran Riklis
Role: Rana (2002)
?Feature film directed by Hany Abu Assad
?Premiered at the “Semain de la Critique,” Cannes Festival, May 2002.


Cruel &Tender by Martin Crimp, Role : Laela (2005)
Directed by Artor Cogan
The National Theatre Habima ,Tel Aviv, Israel
Salome , by Oscar Wild
Role : Salome (2005)
Directed by Ofira Hening
The Lab Theater, Jerusalem ,Israel
The Glass Menagerie, by Tennessee Williams
Role: Loura(2004)
.Directed by Muneer Bakri
.El Midan Theater, Haifa, Israel

Gilgamesh, He is not Dead
Role: Houmbaba.(2003)
?Directed by Francois Abu Salem
?El Hakawati Theater, Paris, France
Antigone, by Jean Anouih
Role: Antigone (2002)
?Directed by Gedalia Beser
?Hertzeliya Theater, Israel
The Trojan War Won’t Happen Again (Tiger at the Gate), by Jean Giraudoux
Role: Andromaque (2002)
?Directed by Ido Riklin
?Hasifriyah Theater, Ramat Gan, Israel
Dona Rosita, by Federico Garcia Lorca
Role: Manola and the Spinster (2001)
?Directed by David Muchtar
?Cameri Theater, Tel-Aviv, Israel
The Last Enemy, by Jim Marrione
Directed by Achim Nowak (1998)
Palace Theatre, New York
Mediterranean Tour: Amman, Ramallah, Tel-Aviv, in cooperation with the UNESCO, New York University’s Creative Art Team and Peres Centre for Peace
The theatrical experience of the Last Enemy was made into a documentary film by Nitzan Gilady.


Arabic Hebrew English French



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